We Love Testing is a program for community members who love reviewing products

and sharing their discoveries in creative and engaging ways. Participants get free

product samples to test and share their feedback in the community,

on social media, and other online spaces.

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Please note:

1. For this testing, make sure you include at least one photo of yourself using Our Divoom product in a real-life 

scenario or make a Video and share the it on social media or others.

2. Copying others’ testing plans or failing to submit a review link will result in disqualification from future 

Divoom Testing Club programs.

Community members who meet some of the following criteria will be prioritized:

1. Provide a complete personal profile, including your social media (we will only use this information to screen 

your application and we will never share it).

2. Be specific in your testing plan (include where you will post your review, what form your review will take, 

and specifically how you plan to put the product through its paces).

3. Contribute product reviews in the community Product Review section (social media reviews count too, 

just share the link in the Product Review section!).

Learn more rules about Testing Club here.
